Novice Series Pastel Nagomi Art (Starter)

Novice Series Pastel Nagomi Art (Starter)

Introduction to Pastel Nagomi Art

In this workshop, you will understand the background of Pastel Nagomi Art, how it soothes emotions, calm and relaxes your mind; and also learn the basic skills and techniques with pastel colours.

All materials are provided and at end of the workshop, participants will bring home the skills learnt and their accomplished pieces each workshop session. This workshop is suitable for anyone aged 10 years and above and without prior art experience or background. Each session will be about 2 hours.

As a starter, we offer any 2 pieces of artwork from this category for $80 to be done in one session. Or choose any 4 pieces of artwork from this category for $150 to be done in 2 sessions.


Should you be interested, just send us an email to arrange (


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